
The curse of la llorona budget
The curse of la llorona budget

Tell me this, are there supernatural border patrol agents, too? Can we just deport La Llorona … oooh, or is she the one that puts stolen kids in cages? Silly me that’s Trump. I dunno quite how that works … is she stealing children white parents can’t be bothered to take? Damn, these are times in which I really need a conservative to ‘splain stuff to me. She’s has come to Los Angeles to steal children, and, presumably, jobs. Plaguing theaters for the past few weeks while riding Endgame coattails has been the low-budget, low-thought horror/thriller The Curse of La Llorona, a movie about a Mexican ghost who assumes the form of a weeping bride. You want to thieve children? Well, you’re just gonna have to behave like an adult.

the curse of la llorona budget

Seriously, Llarona? If you do that again, I swear to you, I’m removing the door from its hinges.

the curse of la llorona budget

La Llorona might not be the scariest ghoul in the Scooby-Doo pantheon, but she does come with a ton of hysterics and constant door slamming. In retrospect, I’m struck by how adolescent this phantom acts.

The curse of la llorona budget